Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Baby Bump 15.5 Weeks

The Growing Family...
Baby: He/she now has a big secret! The sex organs are developed enough to determine the sex by ultrasound, but we won't know until December 7th! The peanut is about 4 inches from crown to rump, and has been working so hard in there to grow, grow, grow! All joints are now formed and can be moved voluntarily. He/she can now suck his/her thumb, and sense light even though the eyelids are still fused shut.
Bryce:  Thinking that we have the boy and girl names narrowed down. Lots of name brain storming going on at our house. Continues to be a great support.
Cara:  Continuing to get bigger, and SO excited to find out the sex next month. Although I feel good physically, I am noticing big emotional ups and downs while these hormones continue to rage. Needing extra love and understanding this week.