Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Due Date Come and Gone...

Mama's belly is proving to be quite the party palace for Tanner. My due date has come and gone and besides my sudden spike in blood pressure (again), everything seems to be remaining safe for him to stay in there a bit longer. We thought that his big size would make for a different story, but amniotic fluid is good, his heart rate and movement patterns are healthy, and blood work all came back normal today. Back home we go!

We have scheduled an induction for this Sunday, May 22nd at 8pm. I will go in that night for my first dose of medication, then sleep on it, and start Pitocin Monday morning. Bryce and I are both so excited to have him in our arms no matter how he finally makes his world debut!
Sagging belly 2 days past my due date :)

Banshee showing us all his sagging belly...2 much food.

Blood draw, blood pressure...

Baby heart rate monitoring, ultrasound...

With my partner in crime...

Cradle made by Tanner's great Grandpa - also where my brothers, cousins, nephew, and I all slept in our wee-days!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

May 8th, 2011 - Mother's Day
Busy day! 1st stop: my parents house for breakfast. 2nd stop: Uncle Will & Aunt Shell's for family fun. 3rd stop: Bryce's parents house for more food and Jeff's birthday.

Surprised in the A.M. with an Almost-Mom's Day gift from Bryce

We'll see if this holds true...

Yummy smelling candles...my fav! And another cute outfit for T.

Thank you Bryce. I love you.

We went to my parent's house for breakfast. Wondering why Bryce & my Dad are sitting so close together on such a big couch. Hmm...

Saturday, May 7, 2011

1 Week To Go! 39 Weeks...

I am SO SO ready for Tanner to make his world debut! Bryce and I are both anxious and looking for any sign of the onset of labor. I am officially on maternity leave, so the extra time at home only makes the anticipation that much more!

Dear Tanner, 
        If you are waiting for Mommy and Daddy to get everything ready to go, you don't have to wait any longer. Our bags are packed for the hospital stay, we have washed Dad's old baby blanket and it's waiting for you in your cradle, car seat is tight and secure in Daddy's truck, and your 2 biggest fans can hardly wait love and hold you. We are ready when you are. Love you!
Love, Mom & Dad

A quick video of Tanner wiggling around in Mama's belly

39 Weeks LARGE!

Labor bag and baby bag - ready to go!

The dueling piggy banks. Mom's is the silver pig and Dad's is the fire truck. Who can earn more money for Tanner by Christmas???

Big cousin Logan playing with one of Tanner's tractors :)