Tuesday, April 26, 2011

8 1/2 Months Pregnant (37.5 weeks)

Tanner: What a character! Our little boy is getting big, bIG, BIG! Our latest ultrasound shows that he is still in the 87th percentile in size and weight. He was estimated at 7lbs, 7oz last week, and may gain almost a pound per week from here on out. The ultrasound tech was also very impressed with his LONG eyelashes. From what she said, eyelashes are rarely even seen on ultrasound. Tanner was flaunting his luscious lashes for the camera, however :)
Bryce: Though no belly to contend with himself, Bryce has been losing a little sleep with thoughts of parenthood running through his mind. We have spent several nights awake together talking and getting excited about our little man. Going to birthing classes gave him the opportunity to talk to other first time dads about their thoughts and worries, which he was happy to have experienced. Bryce will be able to take about 4 weeks off of work for paternity leave :)
Cara: Check up appointment and imaging this morning shows that he is in a transverse (side-to-side) position in my belly.  Instead of worrying about the endless possibilities this means for birth, I have decided to embrace the journey and trust that the best decisions will be made when the time comes. I can hardly wait to hold Tanner is a couple short weeks...or sooner? :)
Showing off the big belly at 37.5 weeks along

Tanning the belly, relaxing, and reading in the sun on Beaverton's first sunny day in months!

Tanner's profile all scrunched up - 36 week ultrasound

Monday, April 18, 2011

Thoughts About Nesting Behavior

You know how cats find a nice quiet, comfy, and cozy place to give birth when the time draws near? Well, this same "nesting" behavior obviously applies to human mama's as well. I can't think of a recent day that I haven't dusted the furniture (ya know, 1 spec of dust will turn in to 1,000,000 specs in no time!), re-folded baby blankets, re-arranged living room furniture (no worries, Bryce and other recruited friends did all the lifting!), re-alligned baby book on his shelves, and organized kitchen cabinets to accommodate bottles and sippy-cups. I feel so much better knowing the house is in order and things are clean and organized. A big thanks to Bryce for helping me out with my neurotic behavior. Love you!

Also, a big thank you to my father-in-law who is totally re-modeling our master bathroom. It looks great and SUCH an improvement!

The Crib...ready to roll!

Thank you Lindsay's mom for making us such a precious gift!

Bryce playing along with my picture games :)

Our dumb cat pooped in the bathroom...thank you B for finding your gas mask and being on poo-duty.

Painting the master bathroom

An unfinished new shower- lookin' good!

36 Weeks!

8+ months (36 weeks) pregnant with a terrible head cold. :(

Wow, what a ride this has been! I can't believe that I am finally weeks away from my due date. It seems like just yesterday that I was calling Bryce at work to tell him that the pee test was positive!

At 36 weeks, baby Tanner is still moving around like crazy inside my belly. Bryce and I could spend hours watching him roll around in there and trying to guess which alien-like lump is which body part.

Next week I will be considered "full term pregnancy" which basically means that he could come at any time. Our last ultrasound, however, showed that he is not very organized when it comes to being ready to go in time (Ahem...might have picked that trait up from Daddy...) He is still in the breech position (head up-feet down) which is cause for considerations in how I might give birth. I could go in as early as next Monday for an External Cephalic Version (ECV) where the doctors manually try to flip him by manipulating my belly. I have heard that this procedure can be very painful, so I'm really hoping that he will move during my daily baby-flipping exercises that I have been assigned. A c-section birth might be the answer if this is unsuccessful. We will know more this Thursday when we go in for our final scheduled ultrasound. Fingers crossed! Head down baby!