Monday, October 25, 2010

Baby Gifts & Thank You's!

Our first official baby gift! Thank you Aunt Michelle & Uncle Will. While the little one already has a few nicknames like "peanut" and "monster," I always know just who Aunt Michelle is talking about when she refers to "Baby O." Go Ducks!
Thank you Uncle Steve, Aunt Dawn, Sagen, and Malea for the precious and super soft cuddly lion. We were SO excited when the package came in the mail  :)

WOW! I walked up to our front door after work, and a huge box was waiting for me! A million thank you's to Greg Hoxsie for the very generous gift! We love it!

Thank you Mom and Dad for the most "tuggy" blanky of all time. I can't wait to wrap up the little peanut in this. Love you!

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