Tuesday, October 5, 2010

First Pregnancy Appointment - 8 Weeks

We have been anxiously awaiting this day and appointment since the day I found out that I was pregnant! As the day got closer, the anxiety that I have about getting my blood drawn (I usually pass out - I know, I know...) was grossly overshadowed by the anticipation of seeing the heart beat for the first time.

Bryce and I walked in to Kaiser-Beaverton Clinic this morning and sat in the waiting room checking out all of the pregnant women coming in and out. When our name was finally called, we sat in the exam room and were checking out the pregnancy growth chart while we waited for the doctor. Of course she came walking in right as I was saying "Oh look, our little peanut just made it passed the monster-looking stage!"

We got to see our little "monster" on ultrasound. The little heart beat is working triple time in there! No twins for all of you that voted for those!

                                                     On the way to Kaiser!

                         I'm one among many preggo women in Beaverton, OR

                                               Our little monster!

Home with more prenatal vitamins, fish oil supplement, an ultrasound picture, and lots of helpful information! Next appointment scheduled for November 8th!


  1. That Monster is so cute! Looks just like Dad already.

  2. You both look so Happy! What a great first picture of the little one! Do I get to vote again since I voted for twins?

  3. Kathy- of course you get to vote again! Go for it! Today was such a fun day for us. I have been excited all day!
    Mary- just wait til our little monster gets a little bigger. He/she will look just like the mama! :)

  4. I went to Kaiser Beaverton too and I really liked it. I delivered Shelby at Sunnyside and it was AMAZING!!! I highly recommend it if you want a drug free birth. It's the best hospital in Oregon for that. Keep us posted. I'm so excited!!

  5. Drug free birth...are you out of your mind?! Ha..jk, I will be delivering at St. Vincent's. My mom works there, my midwife (who I love!) delivers there, and it's close to home. Renae- who did you see when you went to Kaiser-Bvtn? Paula Hammond?
