Thursday, November 15, 2012

It's a GIRL!

Wow- nothing like finding out that we're having a baby girl to jump start the day! I have had a constant supply of energy since we left our appointment this morning. Bryce and I are SO excited! Our hearts are full :)

Our ultrasound technician gave us a great idea as we were were talking about all of the special little boy outfits that we won't be able to re-use - cut out pieces of the clothing fabric and make a small quilt. I LOVE that idea! I can paint and draw, but quilting is definitely not my specialty. I'll hire out!

Bryce and I waiting to go in to the ultrasound room at Beaverton Kaiser

Profile - I think she has her mama's chin!

That is one flexible baby!

There are little feet in both of these shots.

The inappropriate picture proof. It's a GIRL!

Our sweet little Buster made the announcement for us.

Monday, November 5, 2012

17 Weeks & Growing!

 Team Seger is still going strong! Napping takes priority over blogging these days which explains the 2 month gap in baby updates. I've realized that "pregnancy round 2" is equally as exciting, but twice as much work! While I'm using a good portion of my total energy to create a new human, I have to budget my remaining energy (which isn't much) to chase, kiss, and play with Buster, be a loving wife, focus at work everyday, keep the house clean (at least livable), and whatever else life throws at me. No complaints! Besides, a Maui vacation is just around the corner.

At 17 weeks preggo, here are the family updates - 

Bryce: This guy is a seasoned veteran at dealing with pregnant and emotional Cara! He does it with grace and style also! Bryce loves his job at Yahoo! and puts 110% in to each day at work. When he gets home, he is attentive and sweet. And I wonder where Buster has learned to love...
Buster: At not even a 1 1/2 years old, this kid is simply amazing. His vocabulary amazes us everyday with well over 100 words in his repertoire, including our favorites "basketball," "love you," "touchdown," thank you," "NO!," "butterfly," and "maybe." Buster is a little lover with a genuinely sensitive heart. He prefers calm and funny, over reckless and naughty.
Baby Seger #2: Weighing in at about 5 ounces and about 5 inches from head to bottom! Baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, his/her little heart is pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day, and is getting ready for a big growth spurt! All of this progress makes for one TIRED mama.
Cara: Tired. Tired. Tired. I haven't seen the 9pm hour in at least a few weeks. I'm finding it more challenging to focus at work and pay attention to details. I'm holding it all together though...keep truckin!

We find out the baby's sex on NOVEMBER 15th! STAY TUNED!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Eating for 75???

Yeah, I've heard the phrase "eating for 2" when it comes to an increased appetite during early pregnancy, but the condition that I have goes far beyond that. I might be eating for 75! Recent evidence that supports my theory:
  1. Arby's Addiction: 3 days, 3 visits. A plain roast beef sandwich has never tasted so good, and I plan to continue the madness.
  2. Kitchen Clean Out: This is exactly what I did this morning at breakfast time. It's 10:40am and so far I've eaten; 1 yogurt, 2 bananas, 50+ grapes, 1 PB&J sandwich, 1 Nutrigrain Bar, 1 giant tomoato with salt on it (wtf?), and I'm already starting to think about lunch.
  3. Food Envy: The sound or sight of someone else eating elicits an overwhelming urge to frantically find food of my own. Unless, of course, they are eating something nasty in which case I have to leave the premises immediately and try to distract the gag reflex.
Oh man....all this typing has worked up an appetite! See ya!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Wow! It's been a while, but it's great to be back. I guess this means that Team Seger is brewing up another baby!

I couldn't help but look back on old posts from our debut season, and so many things have changed! The most obvious, of course, being that we have a 15 month old running around our house. Can't get enough of our sweet "Buster."

Another, more depressing change is the "belly bump" at 7.5 weeks pregnant last time around versus what 7.5 weeks looks like this round. Where did that MOM BODY come from?! Oh well- it's worth every cellulite dimple and I'm going for it again.

Thank you for joining me again for Team Seger's sophomore season. This is where you'll discover the emotional roller coaster, meat hating, belly growing, family loving, details of our time with baby in tow...
 Our most precious Buster - 15 months old
Ah! Scary! 7.5 weeks